Our teams are pumped up for the big day of the SCRC Dodgeball Tournament. What we need now, is alllllll of the 2nd grade and under kids in our community to sign up for the Dodgeball Gauntlet.
This event is FREE to participate; however it does require advanced registration. SIGN UP TODAY! The more the merrier!! All Gauntlet participants (and their parents) need to be at Anaconda's Memorial Gym at 11:30am, at which point the SCRC Dodgeball staff will get everyone organized and review the rules.
Here is how the game works:
Everyone will start on one side of the court. The court will be lined with a group of pre-selected parents (who understand that this game will be played in a safe and non-aggressive manner) holding dodgeballs. When they hear the whistle, the kids will race from one side of the court to the other until they reach the safe zone. While running, they will be dodging balls that are thrown by the parents.
Any children who are hit by a ball while running, will become a statue in the middle of the court. The statues will not be able to throw balls, but they will act as obstacles that the others have to run around while they try to conquer the gauntlet. The remaining runners will then turn around and prepare to race through the gauntlet once again while dodging balls AND statues.
Those runners who are hit by a ball will join their statue friends. Those who are not hit, will celebrate in the safe zone. The Dodgeball Gauntlet will continue until only one runner remains.
At which point everyone will celebrate.
Depending on the number of participants and how long the event takes, there is potential that we will play a second round of Dodgeball Gauntlet; but we won't know for certain until that day!

We are excited to offer this fun event for our local youth and we hope that you will call a friend (or five) and join us.
The Dodgeball Gauntlet is free for all children to participate. Older kids and adults are welcome and encouraged to sign up to participate in the tournament that will be held in a traditional dodgeball fashion.
Ridiculous costumes, neon headbands, and hilarious team names are encouraged for the tournament. Read through the general rules and info that can be found at this link and register today. Dodge for a Cause!
We look forward to seeing you there!